Benefits of Automatic Tool Changeover for Robotic Packaging | Clearpack

Automatic Tool Changeover is one of the crucial processes of achieving full automation. A lot of crucial time is saved by reducing the duration of non-productive manufacturing, as the set-up can be done concurrently with the operation of the machine. 

Clearpack has commissioned multiple End of line packaging lines where the line was able to adjust itself for different SKUs. The process involved automatic gripper changeover by an industrial robot case packer & lane divider adjustment. 

1. Universal gripper which can handle multiple SKUs

2. Automatic tool changeover

3. Pantograph with a servomotor for automatic lane guide adjustments

4. Centre-lining and digital read-outs for quick and repeatable settings

5. Recipe-based selection to recall changeover parameters in the HMI



       Universal Gripper                                      Automatic Tool Changeover                   Automatic Drive for Lane Guide Adjustment


     The major advantages established are:

  •  Saves Time: Impressive improvement in speed of changeover to a new part, completing it in a matter of seconds. In a conventional changeover method, it can take around 25-30 min for a skilled operator to switch from one SKU to other. With automatic changeover this can be done in approx. 5 minutes saving valuable production time and increasing productivity.
  • Simplified Process: Simplify changing to a mere push of a button or command through PLC/HMI Panel.
  • Low Dependency on Operator: Allow for less operator-driven processes by changing gripper/ pallets automatically via machine control. Dependency on skilled labours also reduced.
  •  Low Downtime: Minimises manual intervention and hence human errors. Time between STOP to START between changeover is minimal.
  •  Improved Efficiency: Recover time lost to repeat setups for recurring part orders. This allows the production line to quickly begin work once a repeat order is received.
  •  Flexibility: Can respond to volume requirement of dynamic market requirement by having repeated changeovers and at the same time not losing productivity.
  •  Improves Safety: The automated process improves the workplace safety by taking over the most labour sensitive, unsafe and monotonous jobs.
  •  Improves Profitability: Achieve better ROI for machine.

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